Cut Your Hot Sauce with Ranch

Cut Your Hot Sauce with Ranch

Caramelina Reaper Too Hot? Head to the Kitchen

Look, we get it. Not everyone can handle the heat of our Caramelina Reaper. I mean, it’s got Carolina Reapers in it, one of the hottest peppers on the planet right now. And while our Reaper hot sauce brings big flavor to match the hot as heck heat, it still might be a bit much for some of our MF fans.

Don’t worry, we got your back. You can cut the heat and keep the flavor with this really simple trick: cut your Caramelina Reaper into some ranch dressing. It doesn’t even have to be ranch! Mayonnaise, sour cream, you name it, it works. 

By mixing in Caramelina Reaper into your most cherished condiments, you can get all of the delicious flavorful notes of caramelized shallots, garlic, and onions with the Carolina Reaper blended into whatever you pulled from your refrigerator door.

What's the recipe, if you can call it that? Grab a small bowl, your favorite dipping sauce or condiment and drip in the Caramelina Reaper as little or as much as you want. That's it!

Caramelina Reaper and Ranch
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